How to Edit Your Email Address


An ApplyWeb account can only be linked to one main email address, and if you want to change that main address, you'll need to do so from your account profile page. This is why the email field in any application form you start will be grayed out and not allow edits:Primary Email Address field, filled out and grayed out with a Change Email button to the right

However, you can click the "Change Email" button next to your address to get to your account profile where the email can be edited. You can also use the link below:

Once you reach the profile page, be sure you're in the Username/Email section, then enter the new email you'd like to use and click "Change".

Change your username/email address page, on the left is the account menu with overview, personal info, username/email (selected), password, contact info, and preferences buttons. On the right is the current email address field, filled out and grayed out, with a new email address field underneath. Below the new email address field is the warning, you'll be required to verify this address with a Change button underneath.

After clicking the Change button, you should see the following page letting you know that a verification email has been sent to the address you entered:

Veriyfy your email page, with instructions to check the email account for the verification link and a Back to Profile button.

You will receive the verification message from at your new address, and that message will contain a link for verifying the new email. Once you've clicked the verification link (or copied and pasted the full URL into your browser's web address bar if you're unable to click the link) you'll see a success page confirming your new email has been verified, then you'll be redirected to your account profile.

Email verified screen explaining the email address has been verified with a Continue button.

If you go to the Contact Info page of your profile, you'll see the new address listed as the main address for your account, and the old address listed as a personal email. The main address is the address which will appear in any in progress applications in your account, and which the school will see. The personal address is specific to your ApplyWeb account, and is retained as a backup for password resetting, if needed. If you would like to remove the secondary email from your account, you can do so by clicking the "Delete" button on that page, but we recommend keeping it.

Contact Info Page, on the left is the account menu with overview, personal info, username/email, password, contact info (selected), and preferences buttons. On the right are two email fields, Main Email and Personal Email with an Edit button next to main email and a verified and delete button next to Personal Email. Underneath are three buttons to Add Email, Add Address, and Add Phone

If you have trouble with any of the above steps of changing the main email address associated with your ApplyWeb account, please contact our help desk by submitting a request in the top right corner of the page.

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