How To Start A Secondary Form


The process for starting a secondary or supplemental form varies somewhat from school to school, but the first step will be to create an ApplyWeb account (if you don't have one already). Once you've gone through the account creation process and activated the account by verifying your email address, you will be able to start the application on your account. In most cases, applicants are sent an invitation by the school for starting their secondary form. These invitations will provide you with specific instructions on the school's process for submitting the secondary form, and will include a link for accessing the secondary application. This is most often the first link or hyperlink in the invitation.


If you submitted your main admissions application through ApplyWeb, be sure to use the same account (i.e. log in with the same email address) to access the secondary form.


If you submitted your main admissions application on another platform and are only using ApplyWeb for the secondary form, be sure to log into the secondary form using the same email address the invitation email was sent to. If you receive a 409 error, this indicates that there is an email mismatch, and you'll need to check the email you're logging in with.


After you've logged into the application it will be saved on your account, and you can return to it at any time by logging into ApplyWeb:

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