File Upload Issues


If you are having trouble uploading a file to your application, here are a few common causes of upload issues which you can check for:

  • You file needs to be in the proper format. Most application forms will accept either PDF or DOC files. The accepted formats should be listed near the upload button. If you upload a file type that is not allowed, you'll see an error message like the one below:


  • Unless the page indicates that a larger file is allowed, your file will need to be below the standard file size limit of 10mb.
  • You will also want to be sure that your file is not digitally signed or secured. When that is the issue, the error message will state:


If you're seeing that error, your file may be encrypted, digitally signed, or secured from edits, even if there is no specific password protection. If you're unable to acquire a non-encrypted version of the document, the most common solution we see is to print the file, scan it, and then create a new, non-secured PDF from the scanned image.

  • Upload issues can also be due to specific browser settings that we cannot change on your behalf. The easiest way to fix this is by switching browsers. We suggest using the latest version of Firefox, Chrome, or Edge. If you are already using one of these browsers but still see an error not listed above when uploading your file, please try with an alternate browser. All three are freely available for download at the following links:

Download Firefox:

Download Chrome:

Download Edge:


If these suggestions do not resolve the error you're encountering, please click the Submit a Request button on the top right with details as to the error you're receiving.



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