Program or Term Is Not Available


The online application form is built to the specifications given to ApplyWeb by the school. If you've reached the program selection page and found that either your desired program is not appearing in the program list or you are unable to select it, this is likely because the school has not made it available at this time. When choosing your program, it's necessary to also select the term you will be applying to. Your program choice won't save unless you've chosen both a program and application term. The terms you can apply to will appear in a drop down list when you click on a program. If there are no available terms for a given program, the drop down list will be missing and instead you will see a message indicating it isn't available.


A program that does not have available terms you can apply for (highlighted here) will look similar to the above image.

For more information on the availability of your intended program you will need to contact the school directly. We advise reaching out to the school's admissions office using the contact information on their website. If they find that the application does not match their current specifications, they will contact us directly to update any necessary program or term availability.

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