Unable to Edit or Change Your Recommender?


Once your recommender has started (or submitted) their letter of recommendation, you won't have the option to edit your recommender any more. The "Action" button will either be grayed out and inactive (for a submitted recommendation): Completed Rec.png

Or only give you the option to send a reminder (for an in progress recommendation):

In Progress Rec.png

In these cases, the recommendation form will need to be restarted in order for you to edit your recommender. If your recommender is unable to restart their recommendation from within their Letters of Recommendation account, please have them submit a request in the help center, or send them the following link: https://applyweb.collegenet.support/hc/en-us/requests/new to request their recommendation is restarted. They will need to do so using the email address associated with the recommendation form.

If your recommender has been out of contact, you can also reach out to our support team to let them know and ask about the possibility of a restart for the recommendation.

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