Starting a recommendation


To begin a recommendation:

  1. Find the applicant from the Not Started list on your Dashboard:

    Screenschot of a white background with a title in black reading My Recommendations, underneath that is a smaller subtitle in dark gray reading Not Started with a blue rounded container next to it with white text inside that reads, 5 recommendations. Underneath that the screenshot shows two example Not Started recommendations in side by side rectangle containers. The top left of each container has a red dot next to the words Not Started, below that is a heading with the Recommendee's name, below that is their institution with an institution logo, below that is a subheading for program and the filled out field or not indicated, then a subheading for date of request followed by the date, then below that is the FERPA information aboutwhether the applicant has waived their right to view the recommendation or not. After the waive, on the bottom in each container there are two buttons, a blue outline button with white in the middle and blue text that reads Declien Request and a Green button with white text that reads Accept Request

  2. Click Accept Request for the recommendation you wish to begin.

  3. Each recommendation form is customized for every institution. This recommendation may ask different evaluation questions from other recommendations you may have already completed for other applicants.

  4. When you have completed the recommendation, click Submit at the bottom of the form. You can also click Save & Exit to save your progress to complete later.

    Screenshot of the Form submission, the bottom of a form with a white background, at the top is a heading in dark blue that reads Electronic Signature and Agreement, below that is dark gray text that reads I certify that all infromation given on this form and in the attachment(s) are complete and accurate. Below that is a checkbox with the words I Agree next to it followed by a filled out Date field with a calendar icon which is then followed by (mm/dd/yyyy). Below that is the text Important (in all caps): After clicking Submit, please wait until you see the Thank You page before you exit the system. Your recommendation has not been submit successfully until you see the confirmation page. Below that in the center bottom are two gray buttons with black text that reads Save and Save & Exit, respectively. On the bottom right is a dark blue button with white text that reads Submit


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