How to add non-English characters to your First and Last Name


When creating an account, you might need to enter your name using non-English characters. Since some systems cannot read these characters, ApplyWeb created additional fields to help your applications flow correctly. 

How to add non-English characters to your First and Last Name

  1. If you enter non-English characters into your First or Last Name fields when creating your account, additional required fields and a warning message will automatically display.

First Name and Last Name input fields with non-english characters on top, underneath is the tet explaining some systems cannot handle the characters and providing additional fields for English First Name and Last Name, below the text

  1. As directed, enter your name using only the English alphabet in the new required fields, English First Name and English Last Name. 

Personal Information fields including First Name, Last Name, English First Name, English Last Name, and date of birth

  1. Enter your English names, the warning disappears, and you may continue filling out your Personal Information.
  2. Once complete, click the Submit button to create your account.
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