How to Delete Your Account


If you wish to delete your ApplyWeb account and all the forms within it, you can do so from your account profile page. You can reach this page by clicking your user icon in the top right of your activity page, then selecting "Edit Profile":


Applicant User Icon.png


You'll then need to go to the Preferences section of the profile.

Account Preferences Page.png

You can also use the link below:

If you're following this link, you will want to be absolutely sure you are logging into the profile you wish to delete. In the case of applicants with more than one ApplyWeb profile, you may want to use a Private or Incognito browser window to be certain you are logging in with the email address linked to the account you would like to delete.

Deleting an account is irreversible, which is why when you click the "Delete Account" button, you will see the following warning:

Account Deletion Warning.png

To complete the deletion process, type the word "DELETE" in that field and click "Delete my Account". This action deletes your entire account, as opposed to only deleting an individual application. You can contact our help desk to request that we delete a specific form, if the application is still in progress.

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